"Hidup bagi saya sungguh berarti. Demikian pula kehidupan di sekeliling saya. Jika saya mengharapkan hidup saya dihormati, maka saya juga harus menghormati hidup makhluk lainnya. Namun etika di dunia Barat hanya menghormati hubungan di antara sesama manusia. Karena itu saya katakan etika Barat adalah etika yang terbatas. Yang kita perlukan adalah etika tak terbatas yang juga mencakup hubungan kita dengan binatang" (Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965)

Rabu, 02 April 2014

Imagine 2

imagine there's no meat
it's easy if you try
no animals have to die
our foods only green
imagine all the creature
living for today

imagine there's no slaughter
it isn't hard to do
nothing to kill or die for
and no cruelty too
imagine all the creature
living life in peace

you may say that i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope someday you'll join us
and the world will live in free

imagine no possesions
i wonder if you can
no need for greed or hunger
a brotherhood of living
imagine all the creature
sharing all the world

you may say that i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope someday you'll join us
and the world will live again

Modified from imagine - John Lennon

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